Author: Lauren Oliver
Series: Delirium
Series #: 2
Pages: 384

I’m pushing aside
the memory of my nightmare,
pushing aside thoughts of Alex,
pushing aside thoughts of Hana
and my old school,
like Raven taught me to do.
The old life is dead.
But the old Lena is dead too.
I buried her.
I left her beyond a fence,
behind a wall of smoke and fame.
the memory of my nightmare,
pushing aside thoughts of Alex,
pushing aside thoughts of Hana
and my old school,
like Raven taught me to do.
The old life is dead.
But the old Lena is dead too.
I buried her.
I left her beyond a fence,
behind a wall of smoke and fame.
Lauren Oliver delivers an electrifying follow-up to her acclaimed New York Times bestseller, Delirium. This riveting, brilliant novel crackles with the fire of fierce defiance, forbidden romance, and the sparks of a revolution about to ignite.
Selena's POV:
First of all, I should really point out ...
So if you haven't read the book, you should probably get out of here, and I'm saying that in a VERY nice way, due to the fact that you'll wanna read this book, and want to keep ALL the secrets hidden. AND because I really suck at keeping this small and short. For example, today at school, I told both of my book buddies about the WHOLE SERIES & what happens in it. Yeah. EVERY. LITTLE. DETAIL. No joke. In the end, both of my friends hated me because they're gonna read the book and now, when they read the book, they'll see everything coming. So I warn you now, just for your safety ;)
Alright, then. Is everyone where they should suppose to be? Everyone whose read this books, here, and everyone who's NOT read this book, gone? Good? ALRIGHT! We can begin ...
First of all, I should point out BEFORE I EVEN START ON THE REVIEW that ...
I knew he was alive.
I knew he was alive the WHOLE ENTIRE TIME I READ THIS BOOK. I mean, why would an author kill off an important, amazing, and HOT main guy character? I mean, really?! Anyways, I wasn't sure myself he was alive. I still had doubts ...
When we start the book, we find Lena in the Wilds, trying to adapt to this new place around her. But at the same time, you see her 6 months from now (or rather we call that CURRENT time). Honestly, I was actually very confused at first. The "Now" and "Then" thing really threw me off. At first, I was like "WHAT?!", and then like "OHH?!", and then like "AHH! I get it now" ;). Anyways, I thought it was so great that we got to see how Lena changed over that 6 months, and how she overcame her fears and doubts in the wild.
I thought all the characters in this book were amazing!! I still miss the characters from the last book, but these characters in this book made it up for me! I especially like Raven; she's such a strong, young girl whose still is having struggles in the Wilds even though she spent years there. It was really great!
I also have to point out that I cried during the time Blue died. I mean, I WANTED HER TO LIVE!! It really sucked that she had to die, and that made me sad & mad at the same time. The story Raven tells Lena about how she saved Blue, and how Raven was crying over Blue was just AMAZING! UGH! I still hate that blue had to die ...
When we keep reading, we realize that the more and more we read towards the end, the more it focus on the "Now" part than the "Then" part, to only realize that the "Then" part was only a glimpse into Lena's long journey without Alex, and that was fine with me! I also thought it was really interesting to see Lena get put into a situation where she had to work with another young boy around her age. You could see Lena struggle to keep Alex off her mind, but that was overpowered WAY to much. That also made me sad :(
I also thought that it was so cool to see Lena get put into the same situation Alex was put in in Delirium! I mean, Lena now felt how Alex felt when Alex told her he was an invalid. They needed people to trust them, but couldn't explain everything all at once. It was hard on Lena, but she surely got past it due to that Julian suddenly started LIKING HER!
I knew it was going to happened; Put boy & girl together in a locked room for so many days. I mean, they WERE going to form a relationship whether they liked it or not. But I like Julian for some odd reason. He's ... a good person once you start to know him, and I don't blame Lena for falling for him.
When I found out that Lena was used for the whole 'capture' thing, I WAS SO MAD! I mean, wouldn't you be? After you form strong relationships with these people you trust, they suddenly start to use you? Geez, I was SO HAPPY when Lena decided to go help Julian escape from the hospital. Now that part is a whole different story ...
I just wanted Lena to hurry up and grab Julian and GO. I felt it was dragging, but that wasn't my biggest concern. I was literally pulling hair out of my head due to how intense this book was. I couldn't even stop reading it. And when Raven busted in the room, I was expecting it. It was Raven, for god's sake! She would help a friend in need if they really loved something. AND Lena's mother! Why wouldn't she say hi to her OWN daughter! That was just plain stupid. In the end, I was happy that Julian was out, and that Lena was FINALLY with Julian.
I wasn't jumping for joy, or yelling out in happiness for them. I still felt a big pain in my chest for Alex. To be honest, I started crying JUST when they got out of the car from the hospital. I need Alex, and I finally thought he was DEAD. I couldn't believe Lauren Oliver would so such a thing to her fans. Throughout the whole book, I said to myself, "Alex will be at the end, Alex will be at the end, Alex WILL BE AT THE END." I was starting to doubt that. But ...
I ACTUALLY DIDN'T FINISH THE BOOK YET! So I still had 0.1% of hope that he would still be there at the end. And just like I predicted, HE WAS THERE! HE WAS THERE & I STARTED CRYING AGAIN! I'm very emotional; don't judge >.<
This is the VERY LAST PAGE IN THE BOOK (& also my favorite!! >.< ):
"Promise me we'll stay together, okay?" His eyes are once again the clear blue of a perfectly transparent pool. They are eyes to swim in, to float in, forever. "You and me." "I promise," I say.Behind us the door creaks open, and I turn around, expecting Raven, just as a voice cuts through the air: "Don't believe her."The whole world closes around me, like an eyelid: For a moment, everything goes dark. I am falling. My ears are full of rushing; I have been sucked into a tunnel, a place of pressure and chaos. My head is about to explode.He looks different. He is much thinner, and a scar runs from his eyebrows all the way down to his jaw. On his neck, just behind his left ear, a small tattooed number curves around the three-pronged scar that fooled me, for so long into believing he was cured. His eyes - once sweet, melted brown, like syrup - have hardened. Now they are stony, impenetrable.Only his hair is the same: that auburn crown, like leaves in autumn.Impossible. I close my eyes and reopen them again: the boy from a dream, from a different lifetime. A boy brought back from the dead.Alex.WHAT?!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!?!?!
UGH! It's still killing meeeeeee! >.< Like, A LOT! Alex. Alex; the boy has come back to win his love! I was SO excited when I read this, yet again sad because it was the end of another amazing 5 star book. You don't even know HOW EXCITED I AM for the next book!! I am so thrilled!! I laid in bed for 2 and 1/2 hours because I was so PARANOID from the last book! What happens next? Who does she chose? What happened to Alex the night of the escape?!
Too many questions, so few answers ... but NOT FOR LONG! :D *Insert evil laugh*
Honestly, how much more can I explain that I LOVE this book SO MUCH! You have to read this series! I mean, to be honestly with you (totally honest!), before I started reading this book and all, I thought "What's so great about this series anyways? It's just like another Hunger Games book." IT'S NOT LIKE ANOTHER HUNGER GAMES BOOK!!! I wish I could go back into the past and slap myself. It's not EVEN like The Hunger Games. Nothing LIKE IT! TOTALLY DIFFERENT! So if you think it's like ANOTHER Hunger Games book, you think wrong. Trust me, I was on your side before. I know how it feels like ;)
WHEW! That was probably the LONGEST and MOST SPOILER review I've ever done! LOTS OF WORK, but so much feeling within it (: I strongly encourage you to READ THE SERIES NOW before you read any other book. Even if you can, drop the book your reading now, and read this book. Just kidding! Books has feelings, and you don't wanna hurt them! (well ... at least I think they have feelings >.<). So QUICKLY finish the book your reading now, and THEN move onto this series ;)
I really hope you liked this review, and start reading the book! You'll love it just as much as I do! :D
Bloggers Note:
Hey guys! I hope you guys liked this review! (: Other than that, if you want to keep up with what I'm reading, and how far I am in the book, PLEASE friend me on Goodreads! It's just an amazing software, and I love it! Just friend me, and you'll know every book I'm currently reading, which one I've read, which one I want to read, and how I rated them! If you don't have one, GET ONE (although I'm not pressuring you to get one, btw). It's such an amazing software to keep track of the books your reading!
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ReplyDeleteI loved this book sooooo much i was also abit gutted Alex returned i thought it would of been a bold move by lauren olivier if he had died however i am now super excited to find out what happens next :-)
ReplyDeleteI really LOVED this review, and I wanna know what's gonna happen :'((( Sb to tell Lauren we all can't wait????
ReplyDeleteOmg thank you for telling me he was alive. I was crying so hard at the end of dellirium when I thought he had died, that when pandemonium came out I knew I had to read a review and find out if he was alive first or not. great review! Youmay have spoiled everything for me, but that's ok bc it was better than my heart exploiding thinking Alex actually was dead.
ReplyDeleteI love this series so much, as well as Lauren oliver's other works. she's an amazing author!
Thank you for this review! I just got Requiem today and I needed a summary to refresh my memory :)
ReplyDeleteDitto to what Sarah said.. I needed a good review before starting Requiem, and you are funny!
ReplyDeleteJust a quick question! Do you think Alex resents her? "Don't believe her" can mean a lot. Those three words have such a heavy meaning and is still frustrating me to this day since I read it. It would be great if you could reply :D because ALEX AND LENA ARE MEANT TO BE, I really hope he never gave up and they make it together, because by the description it seemed like he was dead inside and that he was to hurt over Lena and Julian.
ReplyDeletePLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINKKKK!!!! so i can have some peace of mind, because I don't know anyone else who read this book :(((
Hi I read your review because I just got her new book and wanted a recap. This is EXACTLY what I was looking for! thank you!
ReplyDeletePandemonium was amazing, but Requiem wasn't up to my expectations.
ReplyDeleteRead my review here:
It's like we're the same person because EVERY SINGLE thing you mentioned is exactly how I was feeling. (Even with the capital letters and faces). OMG I can't wait to read requiem! LENA AND ALEX HAVE TO BE TOGETHER!! But I'm started liking Julian too :/ Ahh so confusing. But what did Julian do that Alex didn't do? Alex was about to give up his life for Lena, if she doesn't pick him I will be disappointed.