**Bookieholics's Commandment**

Dreaming is reading with eyes open

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"It was books that made me feel that perhaps I wasn't completely alone."
-Will, Clockwork Prince

"If I let myself love you, I won't throw myself in front of her. I'll throw myself in front of you"
- Dimitri, Vampire Academy


Friday, March 16, 2012

"The Hunger Games" New Song & Trailer

So I'm a bit excited for the movie .... Just kidding; You don't even know how freaking excited I am! I can't stop talking about it at all!! It's just an amazing book and (I know) an amazing movie, even though I haven't even seen it yet. :)

As you guys know, the soundtrack of The Hunger Games releases on March 23rd; the same day the movie comes out! Taylor Swift has another song on the soundtrack that has been leaked a few days ago. It's called "Eyes Open". My friend and I actually had a really good argument on where the song would be places. For me, I though it would be placed when Katniss is on the train going to and/or coming back from the Capitol. I also thought that it would be placed on the last day Katniss is sleeping in the Capitol.

Here's the song!
P.S. The song quality is bad, though it is the only one that isn't pitched :)

Also, today, "The Hunger Games" released a new trailer! How exciting is that?! I was really excited to see this, though it was just technically the same footage over and over again :)

There are SO MUCH MORE videos of The Hunger Games, including Peeta's interview, and President Snow talking with Seneca Crane! Click here to go to their official Youtube Page and check out all the videos!

What do you think about Taylor Swift's new song?

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